About the Journal

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology is the journal of Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade – Department of Ethnology and Anthropology.

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology is an double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which publishes original articles that have not been published previously or have not yet been submitted for publishing anywhere else, in print or electronic version.

The Journal is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the fields of ethnology, anthropology, cultural studies, archaeology, folklor, history, art, and other social sciences and humanities.

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology publishes original scientific articles, review articles, scientific critique, scientific interviews, book reviews and chronicles.

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology does not publish papers that are entirely ethnographic data; which lack scientific approach and exhibit purely essayistic character or represent policy papers; that endorse racist, nationalist, religious, gender, political or other discriminatory concepts, or in any way include hate speech.

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology is issued four times a year. The Journal also publishes special issues, on specific topics and by visiting editors.

Contributions to the Journal may be submitted in Serbian language in both scripts – Cyrillic and Roman, in related languages (Croatian and Bosnian), and in English and French.

Titles, Abstracts and Key Words are published in Serbian, English and French.

Since 2016, the Journal has become a member of CrossRef, so the DOI of each scientific article is in its printed and electronic version. The DOI is also electonically added on the web site to all previous articles published in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology (new series).

Since 2016, all references have been written in Roman Latin, regardless of the script in which the reference was written in the original (eg Cyrillic alphabet).

Open Access Policy

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology is an Open Access Journal.

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.

All articles can be downloaded free of charge and used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

This journal provides immediate Open Access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. 

Fees, Charges, Waiver Policy

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology are an Open Access Journal. All articles can be downloaded free of charge.

The Journal does not charge APC (Article Processing Charge). Authors receive no payment for texts submitted or published in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology. Journal is freely available without charge to the individual users and institutions.

Deprivileged authors may receive technical assistance free of charge, as well as non-financial support.

Publication Frequency

The Journal Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology is issued four times a year. 


Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade - Department of Ethnology and Anthropology and Dosije studio, Belgrade

Journal History

Issues in Ethnology & Anthropology, journal of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, was first published in 1987 under the editorship of prof. Petar Vlahović, and the final issue 11/12 was available in 1998, when number of unfavorable socio-economic circumstances led to the temporary publication discontinuity.

Conscious that the existence of this cultural-anthropological publication is important not only for domestic, but also for international scientific community, in the year 2006 the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology has endeavored in reviving its journal in the form of new series under the editorship of prof. Dragana Antonijević.

During 2006 and 2007 the journal was published in two issues, from 2008 to 2010 in three issues, and finally from 2011 the journal publishes four issues per year. Occasionally, the journal publishes special thematic issues with visiting editors, and with archaeological temat as regular one.


CIP Catalogization

CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji

Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd


Etnoantropološki problemi = Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology = Problemes d'ethnologie et d'anthropologie / glavni urednik Dragana Antonijević. - 1987, br. 1-1995, br. 10 ; n.s., god. 1, sv. 1 (2006) - Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, 1987- (Beograd : SGC). 24cm

Four times in year

ISSN 0353-1589 = Etnoantropološki problemi

COBISS.SR-ID 29922138


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia