Why Social Justice is the Most Effective Means of Disaster Impact Mitigation: Lessons from the Pandemic


  • Thomas Reuter University of Melbourne, Australia




Covid-19, inequality, disaster impact mitigation, human security, resilience, small farmers as a safety net


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the impact of a systemic crisis depends very much on the prevailing level of inequality in the society concerned. This paper shows how the affordability of food was reduced dramatically for millions of people due to income loss in the wake of the pandemic, and the consequences this had. An analysis of the political economy of crisis then illustrates how economic inequality acts as a massive amplifier of disaster impacts on disadvantaged individuals and populations. Environmental degradation, across a broad spectrum from climate change to biodiversity loss, acts similarly as an impact amplifier in this and most other crises. Economically disadvantaged people are more immediately exposed to the impact of ecological degradation or may be forced to disregard the need for nature protection, which means the two factors are also mutually reinforcing. Inequality literally kills people, the more so in this century of worsening multidimensional crises. The paper argues that inequality on this scale is not just immoral but undermines human security, even for relatively privileged population groups, as well as threatening the stability of international relations. Addressing inequality, and especially inequitable policies in the food producing rural sector which acted as a major safety net for the poor during lockdowns, is thus the best pathway to mitigate future crises and their impact on food security.


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How to Cite

Reuter, Thomas. 2023. “Why Social Justice Is the Most Effective Means of Disaster Impact Mitigation: Lessons from the Pandemic”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 18 (1):31–49. https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v18i1.1.