The Belgrade Nesmin: New Research on a Priest of Akhmim
Belgrade, Nesmin, Akhmim, mummified person, ethics of display, disarticulated bones, genealogy, 350‒325 B.C.Abstract
Considering a mummy merely as an objectified human ‘artifact’ is a common misconception that stands in sharp contrast to the proper perception of the mummy as the culturally modified preserved body of a deceased person, an individual, a real human being who was once alive. The National Museum of Serbia holds the mummified remains of a stolist-priest Nesmin (‘The-one-who-belongs-to-Min’), resident in Akhmim around mid-fourth century B.C. Continuous research efforts have resulted in a reconceptualization of the display and presentation of this embalmed ancient Egyptian person, encompassing both scientific and humanizing elements. A number of the Belgrade Nesmin’s disarticulated bones as well as detached fragments of linen bandages covered with a resinous coating are discussed. Some new family members have been added to his genealogy. The name Nesmin was frequent in Akhmim, hence there are several other mummified Nesmin(s) of Akhmim kept in various world museums.
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