The 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023 “Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies: Enlivening Past and Envisioning Future”, New Delhi, India, October 14-20, 2023



The IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023, themed "Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies: Enlivening Past and Envisioning Future," unfolded at the University of Delhi, India, spanning October 14 to 20, 2023.

The primary objective of the Congress was to critically examine longstanding hierarchies and marginalities, particularly how they persist amid contemporary crises. Additionally, the event aimed to catalyze new discussions, seeking innovative ideas to dismantle entrenched disparities and inequalities, with the overarching goal of constructing a new world from the remnants of the old.


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How to Cite

Vučinić-Nešković, Vesna. 2024. “The 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023 ‘Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies: Enlivening Past and Envisioning Future’, New Delhi, India, October 14-20, 2023”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 18 (4):1319–1323.