Exploring the Socio-Technical Imaginary of Artificial General Intelligence in The Bard Large Language Model: A Narrative Analysis on Perspectives and Dialectics
Bard large language model, Artificial General Intelligence, socio-technical imaginary, narrative analysis, ChatGPTAbstract
The 2022 release of ChatGPT sparked widespread discussions on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Through a detailed examination of an interview with Bard, a large language model, the study uncovers narratives of optimism and pessimism regarding AGI's future implications. It found a higher leaning towards optimism about AGI's potential effects, extending from education, arts, and relationships, to economy and space exploration. Conversely, pessimistic views pointed out potential downsides, such as unemployment, political instability, and media manipulation. The study also identified four primary AGI themes - the relationship between humans and AGI, AGI acquiring a physical form, AGI simulating a universe, and the responsible utilization of AGI. These insights aid in understanding the complex socio-technical imaginary surrounding AGI. The study has its limitations as it is based solely on the responses provided by Bard during its test phase. Additional research may reveal changes in AGI discourse representation as the model evolves.
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