Socialization and Social Integration of Children with Disabilities: Theoretical Frameworks


  • Mirko Filipović Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Zorica Matejić Đuričić Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, Serbia



symbolic interactionism, social model of disability, socialization, school integration


In the context of modern social model of disability, this paper presents some of the leading theoretical frameworks that define the key problems of socialization and social integration of children with disabilities. Transformed into a social-scientific research, problems of physical, mental or social disability were given a new meaning: instead of individual "psychologically deviant acts," disability is interpreted as a consequence of the "continent of social relations." Second, and equally important, rather than the status (state) of disability, the focus turn on the very process of social relations that structure the phenomenon of deviance. Within the research of social processes that defined the context of individual development of children with disabilities, two problem circles were opened: firstly, general issues of socialization of these children, and secondly, issues related to the problems of their social integration in the formal education system. In the final section, key implications of different approaches have been derived: to provide conditions for active participation in social life for all members of the community date, regardless of the existence of physical or social barriers.


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How to Cite

Filipović, Mirko, and Zorica Matejić Đuričić. 2018. “Socialization and Social Integration of Children With Disabilities: Theoretical Frameworks”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 13 (2):539-54.