Forms of Manifestation of Cannibalism
typology, endocannibalism, exocanniibalism, alimentary, war, ritual cannibalismAbstract
The paper presents the typology of cannibalism and forms of its manifestation. It first presents endocannibalism and exocannibalism, as the two most widely defined forms, in which all other types can be included. As special forms of manifestation, which include the ritual dimension, funeral cannibalism and medieval cannibalism, within the ritual of the Eucharist, are singled out. Presented after are the characteristics of war cannibalism that occureed among tribes, but also as a response to European colonization and conquest, in the form of war anti-colonialist movements. The medical and pharmaceutical cannibalistic practices that emerged in medieval Europe and that were based on the beliefs about the healing quality of human blood and body parts are described in particular. As part of this practice, the tradition of treatment with mummies singled out and became very popular in medieval Europe.
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