Notions about the ethnologist/anthropologist profession in the film "Ring a Ring o' Roses"
ethnologist/anthropologist, the character of the fictional scientist, anthropologization of ethnology, fieldwork, popular cultureAbstract
The Serbian film Ring a Ring o' Roses (Ringeraja 2002) represents the data based on which the ideas and cultural notions about ethnology and anthropology in local context are analyzed. Aside from the analysis of the representation of ethnology as a profession and the context in which it appears, the paper considers the imagining of the character of a fictional ethnologist/anthropologist in popular imagination. The paper also underlines the similarities and differences between domestic ideas about ethnology/ethnologists and ideas about anthropology/anthropologists in global pop culture. By comparing the imaginary ethnologist/anthropologist and the way in which real ethnologists/anthropologists work, the paper considers the public image of the discipline in the after the aughts.
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