New Wave in the Perception of New Generations
music, new wave, Belgrade, eighties, new generations, contemporary perceptionsAbstract
The paper represents an analysis of contemporary ideas about new wave music formed by generations born after 1980, in the “post-new wave” period. The ever more evident tendency to revitalize and re-actualize the new wave phenomenon at the local level, as well as the identities which stem from it, is indicative not only of the importance of this musical concept but its interdependence with the local community. The echoes of different contemporary narratives about this phenomenon influence the forming of a set of notions about, on the one hand, new wave itself, and on the other – notions about Belgrade of that time period, among generations which form their opinions and perceptions of it indirectly, and after the fact. The aim of the paper is to answer the question of the extent to which young people today are familiar with new wave and what the concept represents for them.
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