How Serbian Is A Serbian Movie? The Conceptualization of the Culturally Normal and Abnormal in Present-Day Serbia
cultural cognitive models, cultural conceptualization, normal and abnormal, anthropology, Serbia, popular culture – filmAbstract
The paper seeks to construct a cultural cognitive model of normality, with the aim of showing how this cognitive category is perceived in persent-day Serbian culture by a respondent group consisting of university or college graduates or students, aged between 24 and 37, who have watched A Serbian Movie. The hypothesis of the study was that the implications of the replies to the question of why the movie is entitled as it is, would connote a concept of the culturally abnormal, and would, in essence, represent an attempt on the part of respondents to formulate a cultural cognitive model of the society in which they live and the way that life in that society should be lived, the latter being an indirect conceptualization of what should be culturally normal.
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