Camp – New Approaches to the Term and Concept


  • Marko Filip Pavković PhD candidate Department of History of Art, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia



camp, kitsch, trash, Susan Sontag, pop art, postmodernism, Queer


The pretension of this paper is to process Camp in all its aspects and possible areas of application. The process begins with the analysis and interpretation of Lexicographic definitions of Camp and, close concepts to it by meaning (kitsch and Trash), followed by the interpretation and revaluation of still the most important text on Camp – Notes on Camp by Susan Sontag. Following that, the paper seeks to provide a general definition of Camp that seeks to determine, describe and indicate the boundaries of its scope. The paper revises the postulate of certain theories on Camp: firstly, only those on its gay character and its power for political subversiveness. Camp taste/sensibility/style also strives to be contextualized within the framework of fine arts on examples of certain stylistic formations and author poetics of some of the exemplary artists that belong to them, in order to provide a paradigm for the interpretation of their opus applicable to other artistic opus.


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How to Cite

Pavković, Marko Filip. 2018. “Camp – New Approaches to the Term and Concept”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 13 (4):1207-24.