"Montevideo, Taste of a Dream" – an ideological buffet as the basis of a blockbuster
anthropology, ideology, Serbia, foodball, film, Montevideo, Taste of a DreamAbstract
The analysis of the film Montevideo, Taste of a Dream starts off from the fact that over half a million people saw the film in theatres, and the sequel did almost as good. The causes for this kind of popularity, which have made the film one of the most successful blockbusters in Serbia, may be found in the wide spectrum of ideological content in the film. This content is evident in the characterization of the characters and, especially, in the oppositional relations established between them. The main oppositions in the film are between the Yugoslav ideology of the state and the desire for an independent Serbia, between the bourgeois-patriarchal and free-celibate understanding of love and marriage, and hedonism as opposed to political activism. Along with local-patriotism, a bourgeois view of love and marriage based on romance, the idea of socially responsible entrepreneurship and football supporting, these oppositions make up a wide array of ideological content offered by the film. This has enabled viewers to selectively identify with these ideas and, in turn, enabled the great success of the film.
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