An ethnotaxonomic classification of cultural thought among internet porn users, interpreted in the context of Japanese animated pornography


  • Milica N. Vučurović Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut”



internet, pornography, hentai, yaoi, lolicon, porn categories, porn users


The simple drawing style of Japanese animated pornography (hentai) and the incomplete messages transmitted through the handling short video clips instead of complete pornographic films or series on the Internet , create a space in which users can reinterpret the content themselves and assign it meanings different to those originally intended by anime creators, the subculture or suggested by researchers. Based on the porn categories specific to the hentai genre, and keeping in mind the context and content of complete animated Japanese pornographic films, and the attitudes of their users, I will analyze the perspectives of users of short videos of both animated and feature porn on the internet. Through the use of an ethnotaxonomic approach, cognitive schemes and relations between categories have been uncovered. The self-reliance and distance of “alternative” subcultures represented through masturbation, sexual inferiority due to hypermasculine messages conveyed by big black penises as well as violence which does not allow the victim passive regression represented through the abuse of a teenage girl who is supposedly 18 years old, represent messages which correspond with the yaoi, tentacle rape and lolicon subgenres, as well as a subjective perspective in which any user behavior on the internet is legitimate, because of the users’ view that society doesn’t protect them, but protects those who supposedly do not deserve it. The oppressive force and villain of hentai narratives in pornographic feature films is the hyper-passivity of (not) allowing instant gratification, which aligns with the value assigned to the speed and availability of information in the “virtual” field.


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How to Cite

N. Vučurović, Milica. 2016. “An Ethnotaxonomic Classification of Cultural Thought Among Internet Porn Users, Interpreted in the Context of Japanese Animated Pornography”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 11 (1):193-214.