Reconsidering the anthropological idea of dichotomization as the basic mechanism of cultural thought about the body




the body, cultural thought, Cartesian thought in anthropology


n contemporary anthropology there are two prevailing ideas on the ways in
which the human body is culturally thought of: dualism and monism. The first
idea is linked to Western societies, and the second is linked to traditional
communities, which are the most frequent frame of reference for anthropological
research, from the inception of the discipline up to contemporary times. The
third, less prevalent idea suggests that there is no substantial difference between these different types of society, that all people, essentially, think about the body in a dualist way. The idea behind this paper is to set a basis for research which
might come to show that, indeed, there is no substantial difference between
ways in which people conceptualize the body and its cultural aspects in
different societies, but that this is not the case because "we are all dualists", but
because both dualist and monist cultural conceptualization of the body is
contextual, and both of these can be found in societies and cultures which we
signify as "modern" or "western".


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How to Cite

Žikić, Bojan. 2014. “Reconsidering the Anthropological Idea of Dichotomization As the Basic Mechanism of Cultural Thought about the Body”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 9 (4):849-78.

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