The Temporal Contextualization of Cultural Concepts of Post Socialism, Transition and Euro Integrations in Serbia




anthropology of time, critical events, post socialist transition, processes of European integration, Serbia


Critical events which influence the redefining of social and cultural categories represent cultural cognitive markers of organizing narratives about social time. Viewing the disintegration of SFRY in this light, I will try to explain a certain cultural view of time which deviates from what we consider the common, linear experience of the flow of time, based on accounts of informants in which the situation in Serbia is compared to the content of cultural perceptions about the European Union.



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How to Cite

Žikić, Bojan. 2012. “The Temporal Contextualization of Cultural Concepts of Post Socialism, Transition and Euro Integrations in Serbia ”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 7 (4):899-917.

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