Pseudo-scholarly imagining the past and the process of globalization: the case of ex-Yu


  • Vesna Manojlović Nikolić Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Vladimir D. Mihajlović Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia



globalization, anti-globalization, pseudo-history/archaeology, fabrication of the past, media


The paper discuses connection between the process of globalization and pseudo-scholarly interpretations of the past. First of two links the paper points to concerns the tendency to compensate discontent created by cultural globalization with belief in different and better past. The second link between the effects of globalization and pseudo-historical/archaeological imagining the past is the tendency of pseudo-scholars to use the global means of communication in order to hit the broadest possible audience. Using the case study of the former SFR Yugoslavia we argue that the process of transition towards global world, happening after the escalation of nationalisms in the region, contributes the sense of national, regional and local identity-crisis, and in turn causes the urge to create fictitious pasts. Also we emphasize that the wide usage of internet by pseudo-scholars enables their interpretations to become available to large number of people and in that way shape their viewpoints to past and present.  


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How to Cite

Manojlović Nikolić, Vesna, and Vladimir D. Mihajlović. 2016. “Pseudo-Scholarly Imagining the past and the Process of Globalization: The Case of Ex-Yu ”. Etnoantropološki Problemi Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 11 (4):1055-72.

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